Here are some of my favorite personal projects that I've written more about. If you're looking to do something similar, you might find it insightful:
This website! Created primarily using Next.js and Tailwind CSS
A Spigot-based Minecraft server plugin that features a global item shop with fluctuating prices based on supply and demand
A top-down 2D shooter written in C++ using SFML and a physics engine made from scratch
My own Discord bot with a bunch of random commands and features
Here is some other content, including standalone posts, notable class projects, and notes for my students:
A course-long project for COSC 562 – Operating Systems: Design & Impementation
Final project for COSC 527 – Biologically-Inspired Computation: a novel application of genetic algorithms to robotics
Final project for the core graduate course COSC 581 – Algorithms: a two-person 45-minute presentation on a topic of our choice
My blog for a class specializing in creating small gadgets that allow humans to interact with computers in novel ways
Helpful resource for setting up your coding environment and understanding the lab writeup
A class project in Turing machine design for COSC 312 – Algorithm Analysis and Automata